LFSG Connect
The Foundation checks periodically to ensure that the information it has for its alumni is updated and correct. Please take a moment to update your contact information.
Prior to providing your information, you will be prompted to review and acknowledge our data privacy policy statement. If you have questions or would like additional information on alumni matters, please contact the Foundation via regular or electronic mail:
Alumni Relations
Liechtenstein Foundation for State Governance
Landstrasse 36
9490 Vaduz
Principality of Liechtenstein
Thank you for taking the time to provide your contact information. Before continuing this process, you must read and agree to the terms of the Liechtenstein Foundation for State Governance data privacy statement.
Please read and review the following data privacy statement. At the bottom of this page, you may choose to exit or to continue this process.
LFSG Data Privacy Statement
The Foundation’s alumni network is called LFSG Connect. At the conclusion of our training program at the Foundation’s training center in Vaduz, you have been asked to provide us with certain professional and personal data, such as contact information at your workplace. We can also collect information from publicly available sources or through mail and electronic correspondence with you. With your consent, we use this information to contact you on information relating to the Foundation’s Platform, including updates and supplemental data or to inform you on alumni matters and to invite you to special alumni events.
We will keep your personal information secure and will protect your personal information from unauthorized access, improper use or disclosure, or unauthorized modification. We will not sell, rent or transfer your personal information to third parties.
You may update your profile information at any time directly or by emailing the Foundation at . You may also choose to opt out of receiving communications from the Liechtenstein Foundation for State Governance. You may do so by clicking the “unsubscribe” link at the bottom of any e-mail you receive from us, or by e-mailing us at . If you do not wish to have the Foundation collect or store any personal or identifiable information relating to you, please send an e-mail to stating that you do not want the Liechtenstein Foundation for State Governance to hold or collect personal information relating to you.
The information you provide us will be administered by the Liechtenstein Foundation for State Governance, Landstrasse 36, 9490 Vaduz, Principality of Liechtenstein. If you have any questions, please contact You may at any time ask us for a copy of your personal information that the Foundation holds in its database in order to ensure that such information is updated and correct.
I have read the above data privacy statement of the Liechtenstein Foundation for State Governance and: